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Meter based surge protectors

Due to the high frequency of lightning strikes in Eastern Tennessee it is advisable that a Meter Based Surge Protector (MBSP) be installed on our homes.
This MBSP is mounted under the electrical meter that is secured to the exterior of a house. This device protects the house electrical circuits from the severity of voltage surges caused by lightning strikes to the utility’s power lines and equipment. House fires have resulted from these severe voltage surges.
The MBSP does not prevent loss of utility power, reduction of utility voltage, or electrical surges that could enter the house from other sources (e.g., cable circuits, remote circuits outside the house, TV
antennas and Dish, irrigation system, water pipes, gas lines or lightning that strikes the house itself).


A MBSP installed on the exterior of your house does not preclude the need for a UL listed Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor used inside your house and plugs between the power outlet on the wall and your sensitive electrical and electronic equipment.

To obtain a Meter Based Surge Protector you will need to contract for the purchase and installation with a licensed electrician. The UL-listed Transient Voltage Surge Protector can be purchased from a hardware store or electronic supply and installed by the homeowner.

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